Corporate governance
Senate Properties is an unincorporated state enterprise operating under the Ministry of Finance and its operations are regulated by the Act on Unincorporated State Enterprises and the Government Decree on Senate Properties.
Senate Properties is tasked with acting as the work environment and facilities specialist of the Finnish government. Senate Properties provides services in accordance with the State Enterprise Act primarily for central government. Defence Properties Finland started operations on 1 January 2021 as a subsidiary unincorporated state enterprise of Senate Properties and focuses on properties, functions and services serving the Finnish Defence Administration. Senate Properties and Defence Properties Finland together constitute Senate Group.
The operations of Senate Properties and Defence Properties Finland are regulated by the Act on Unincorporated State Enterprises (1185/2002) and the Act on Senate Properties and Defence Properties Finland (1018/2020). The group of unincorporated state enterprises also includes Senate Station Properties Ltd and13 subsidiaries in the form of real estate. The Counties’ Service Centre for Facilities and Real Estate Management (Maakuntien tilakeskus Oy), which is also part of the group, will transfer to the ownership of the wellbeing services counties, which begin operating from the beginning of 2023 as part of health and social services reform.
Senate Group operates within the branch of government of the Ministry of Finance and is subject to overall oversight by the Ministry. The Ministry of Defence oversees Defence Properties Finland’s provision of services to the Finnish Defence Forces and to partners designated by the Defence Forces for the needs of the Defence Forces pursuant to section 2 of the Act on Defence Forces (551/2007).
Senate Group operates in accordance with the principles of sound commercial principles. The group’s assets are owned by the Finnish Government and assigned to the ownership management of unincorporated state enterprises. As a public actor, unincorporated state enterprises in Senate Group comply with the principles of good governance, the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (1397/2016) and the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999).
Tuomas Pusa serves as President and Group CEO of Senate Group supported by the Group Management Team.
Jonni Laitto serves as Chief Operating Officer at Senate Properties as of 1.9.2024 and Matias Warsta serves as CEO of Defence Properties Finland. The management teams of each unincorporated state enterprise support the decision-makers of the heads of heads of the state enterprises.
The Ministry of Finance appoints the boards of directors of the unincorporated state enterprises for a maximum term of office for three years at a time.
Code of Conduct
The unincorporated state enterprises forming Senate Group are part of the government community. Senate Group’s Code of Conduct and value base are based on central government values and ethics. Central government accounts exclusively for Senate Group’s clients.
Senate Group`s operating principles
- Our way of working complies with the law and good practices
- We enable the continuity and ensure the safety of functions critical to society
- Our operations are socially responsible and we are leaders
- We are an exemplary employer
- We avoid conflicting interests in our operations
- Our operations are reliable and can withstand criticism.