€12 million savings in energy costs of government properties

Senate Group’s Energy Saving Programme in government premises exceeded the targets set for it and delivered even higher savings than expected. By the end of 2023, almost 100,000 MWh had been saved, which translates into savings of around €12 million in energy costs.
In October 2022, Senate launched an extensive Energy Saving Programme against a backdrop of the threat of insufficient energy and the astronomical rise in energy costs. Energy savings measures were rolled out to a fast schedule in around a thousand government buildings. Most of the savings came from adjustments to building technology and indoor temperatures.
Calculations made before the programme was launched estimated potential energy saving of around 50,000-75,000 MWh. By the end of 2023, the programme had delivered energy savings of almost 100,000 MWh or 100,000,000 kWh. This amount corresponds to the annual consumption of around 12,000 one-bedroom apartments and savings of €12 million.
The particular features of the buildings and their use were taken into account in energy saving actions. For example, office temperatures were maintained at a minimum of 20.5C, but the temperature was lowered more in storage rooms and garages. Energy saving measures in facilities and accommodation in 24-hour use by the security authorities were only implemented where possible.
New operating models bring permanent savings
The Energy Saving Programme developed and introduced new operating models and technology for demand-side management. In addition, Senate sought new ideas for improving energy efficiency from clients and the Group’s own employees.
The new practices now continue as part of Senate’s normal processes. The aim is to keep energy costs permanently lower and thus reach permanent savings also in years to come. In 2023, Senate’s own energy survey model was piloted at approximately 10 sites, with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of state-owned buildings also in the longer term.
Senate Group comprises the parent unincorporated state enterprise Senate Properties and its subsidiary unincorporated state enterprise Defence Properties Finland, which is responsible for Finnish Defence Administration facilities.
The Group is responsible for a total of almost 9,000 state-owned buildings with a floor area of around 6 million square metres, of which Finnish Defence Administration properties account for around 3 million square metres. Group energy costs amount to some €100 million, roughly a fifth of all costs.
Senate’s Energy Saving Programme can be downloaded from our website: https://www.senaatti.fi/en/energy-saving-programme/