Energy Saving Programme in government premises exceeded expectations – biggest saving found in Pasila

Senate Group’s Energy Saving Programme in government premises exceeded the targets set for it and delivered even higher savings than expected. Together with government agencies and institutions, approximately 78,000 MWh of energy has been saved, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of approximately 10,000 one-bedroom flats and up to €10 million in money terms.
In October, Senate launched an extensive Energy Saving Programme against a backdrop of the threat of insufficient energy and the astronomical rise in energy costs. Energy savings actions were rolled out to a fast schedule in around a thousand state buildings. Most of the savings came from adjustments to M&E systems and indoor temperatures. The particular features of the buildings were taken into account when making these adjustments.
Calculations made before the programme was launched estimated potential energy saving of around 50,000-75,000 MWh. By the end of October 2023, energy savings of around 78,000 MWh or 78,000,000 kWh had been reached. The programme will continue until the end of the year.
Largest government office building was the biggest saver
Most energy was saved in the Pasila office centre, which is the largest state-owned building. Various adjustment measures resulted in energy saving of 2,400,000 kWh, equivalent to the annual consumption of around 300 one-bedroom apartments, in this vast building. Major savings were also achieved in several other government office buildings including those in Turku and Jyväskylä.
Significant changes in energy consumption were achieved in several different types of buildings. For example, brainstorming and planning of the measures by the entire staff and students resulted in the Valteri School Onerva building in Jyväskylä reducing energy use by 20%.
Defence Properties Finland, which is responsible for the properties of the Finnish Defence Administration, implemented energy saving measures in those Finnish Defence Forces’ properties where this was feasible taking into account the client’s activities. Significant energy was also saved at the Niinisalo, Upinniemi and Säkylä garrison sites.
“You could say that energy use reflects both the security situation and changes in ways of working. The premises of security sector actors are normally in use around the clock, and during the past year the use of these premises has increased in many places. In these premises, energy use may even have increased despite efficiency measures. On the other hand, office space occupancy rates are low, which has enabled more efficient energy use and the achievement of large savings in large government office buildings,” says Sanna Jääskeläinen, Energy Saving Programme Coordinator, Marketing and Communications Director.
Part of Senate Group’s Energy Saving Programme has involved developing and implementing new operating models and technology for demand response, extensively seeking new ideas for improving energy efficiency and Senate’s own energy survey model has been piloted, with the aim of longer-term improvement in the energy efficiency of buildings. The Energy Saving Programme will continue until the end of the year, after which operations will continue as part of normal property maintenance and development processes.
Senate Group comprises the parent unincorporated state enterprise Senate Properties and its subsidiary corporate enterprise Defence Properties Finland, which is responsible for Finnish Defence Administration facilities.
The Group is responsible for a total of almost 9,000 state-owned buildings with a floor area of around 6 million m2, of which Finnish Defence Administration properties account for around 3 million m2. Group energy costs amount to some €100 million, roughly a fifth of all costs.
The Energy Saving Programme can be downloaded from the net: