House of the Estates construction site wins Construction Site of the Year 2024 competition

The winner of construction magazine Rakennuslehti’s Construction Site of the Year 2024 competition is the House of the Estates renovation construction site in Helsinki. The lead contractor is construction company Rakennus Oy Antti J. Ahola and the client and developer is Senate Properties.
The eight-member jury of the construction site competition highlighted the complexity of the House of the Estates project and the excellent management of the site. This year’s Construction Site of the Year competition addressed in particular site management. The jury commended not only the exceptional team building on the House of the Estates construction site, but also the attention paid to issues such as wellbeing at work.
Construction magazine Rakennuslehti’s Construction Site of the Year competition has been held since the 1980s. Six construction sites from across Finland made it to this year’s final.
The restoration and conservation work on the cultural-historically important House of the Estates involves restoring the building’s façades, carrying out extensive conservation work on the rich interior paintwork and modernising the building’s mechanical and electrical solutions. The building will also be made more accessible.