New accommodation quarters for Finnish and international troops in Sodankylä

Defence Properties Finland have built new accommodation and working facilities for 300 persons in Sodankylä for the Finnish Defence Forces’ Jaegar Brigade. The premises can be used to accommodate Finnish and international troops in Defence Forces’ exercises. The complex comprises three mobile so-called semi-permanent buildings. Completed in May-June, the premises have already been in use in the Northern Forest 23 exercise.
Suitable for Arctic conditions, the buildings are heated by district heat and very thick insulation takes into account energy efficiency. An advantage of semi-permanent buildings is the better space and energy efficiency compared to traditional accommodation containers.
Mixed use and modifiable premises
The buildings are mixed use and can be modified to meet Defence Forces’ needs. Besides the accommodation section, the buildings house working and training facilities equipped with telecommunication links and toilet and washing facilities. There are separate facilities for drying and storing equipment and around 2,700 square metres in all.
Construction work was done to a tight schedule during the winter. A start was made on the preparatory earthworks last autumn and actual construction began in February. The premises were ready for use in May-June. The Jaegar Brigade reservist unit from Finland taking part in the Northern Forest 23 combat exercise was the first to be accommodated in the new premises.
NATO membership will result in added accommodation capacity
”NATO membership will mean more international troops coming to Finland for exercises, hence the need for greater accommodation capacity. In major exercises, Defence Properties Finland will support the Finnish Defence Forces by providing temporary accommodation as well as ensuring heating, electricity, water, waste management and environmental aspects,” says Kai Kaltiainen, International Operations Specialist at Defence Properties Finland.
The accommodation premises construction project in Sodankylä has provided work for companies in Finnish Lapland. Earthworks, electrical work and network contractors were mostly local. The semi-permanent buildings were supplied by Adapteo Finland Oy and have been leased to Defence Properties Finland for a minimum of ten years.
News image: Finnish Defence Forces