Senate Group is one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces

Senate Group received Finland’s Most Inspiring Workplaces award for the fourth time in a row. The award is made annually to the organisations that achieved the best results in Eezy Flow’s PeoplePower® employee survey. The success is based on the cornerstones of Senate Group’s operations: committed employees, open interaction and trust.
The results of the employee survey at Senate were again at a good level both in the Group as a whole and in both unincorporated state enterprises and exceeded the Finnish general norm, which is formed by a comprehensive sample of multiprofessional companies. Responses to the survey were provided by 84.7% of Senate employees.
“One of the key reasons for good results and job satisfaction is our employees’ possibility to influence their own work. We have invested in developing a communal work culture and identifying issues that are important to our employees. The open responses often highlighted a sense of community and trust that colleagues will help whenever needed,” says Maija Heiniö, Adviser, HR Development at Senate Properties.
As in the previous year, the employee survey commended flexible working time practices, the possibility of hybrid work, and modern tools and workspaces. Supervisory work and leadership were also considered good, and the respondents especially thanked their immediate supervisors for their high-quality supervisory work. In turn, there was room for improvement in matters related to information flow and management, as well as work organisation and resourcing.
”A good work atmosphere, team spirit and smooth cooperation were commended by many respondents. The creation of uniform ways of working and processes became an area for development, as did the clarification of the responsibilities of different task and responsibility areas. We review the survey results in different units and teams, while encouraging all Senate employees to come forward with ideas that could make Senate Group an even more inspiring workplace,” Heiniö says.
Finland’s most inspiring workplaces were awarded at the Inspiring Futures Seminar Innostavimmat held on 19 March 2024.