Senate Group’s customer satisfaction is at a good level

Our customer satisfaction survey shows that most Senate Group clients were satisfied with our facilities and services in 2022. Overall customer satisfaction improved slightly for the Group as a whole: 76% of our clients were fairly or very satisfied with our facilities (75% in 2021).
Real estate services and property maintenance were given an excellent score. Customer satisfaction would be most improved by developing indoor air conditions and quiet working spaces. Senate Properties clients would also like to see facilities developed to better support hybrid working, small group working and work telephone calls. The wishes of Defence Properties Finland clients highlighted the adequacy of social facilities.
Senate Group’s annual customer satisfaction survey has been designed for all facilities users. In 2022, 9,263 clients, i.e. users of our facilities, responded to the survey compared to around 7,600 a year earlier.
In last year’s survey, we asked clients for the first time for ideas on how to save energy. Almost half, 46%, of respondents contributed with ideas. The total of almost 10,000 ideas received typically related to switching off lighting with the help of timers and motion detectors, lowering temperature and the use of more energy efficient lights.
Senate Properties clients appreciated real estate services’ staff and the location of facilities
A total of 7,851 Senate Properties clients responded to the customer satisfaction survey in 2022 and 77% of the respondents said that they were fairly or very satisfied with the facilities they use.
Senate Properties clients gave an excellent grade (>4.0) for
- property location
- approach and work finish of the staff providing real estate services and
- the high quality of property management and maintenance and the service approach of the staff.
Clients identified the following areas for development
- sound environment of premises
- adequacy of spaces ensuring peace and quiet for working or the confidentiality of discussions
- indoor air and
- informing clients of the progress of service requests.
Satisfaction with indoor air has improved since back in 2015 and is at a good level.
Defence Properties Finland clients appreciate the service approach of staff
A total of 1,412 clients gave their opinion of premises and services in a customer satisfaction survey for the Finnish Defence Forces’ personnel and Defence Properties Finland’s other partners, and 70% of respondents said that they were fairly or very satisfied with the facilities as a whole.
People were particularly satisfied with
- property location
- cleaning services and property management and in particular with the service approach of staff
- maintenance, the adequacy of breakroom and meeting facilities and lightning, and
- how well the facilities support working.
Areas needing most development were considered to be in
- facilities and in particular their sound environment
- the freshness of indoor air
- possibilities for recycling and
- handling service requests and informing clients in matters such as fault situations relating to premises.
Decision-maker clients are satisfied with cooperation and customer service
A total of 402 persons who make decisions about client organisations’ premises responded to the Group’s decision-maker satisfaction survey. Average scores at the Group level were slightly up in all areas compared to a year earlier except for expert services, where satisfaction was slightly down. Senate Group’s overall satisfaction was 3.74 (3.68 in 2021), Defence Properties Finland scored 3.71 (3.69) and Senate Properties 3.76 (3.67).
The following received an excellent grade (>4.0) in Group results
- accessibility and response speed of contact personnel
- know-how and expertise of the personnel and
- ease of cooperation and interaction.
The following were raised as areas for development
- modifiability of facilities entities
- price/quality ratio of facilities
- ease of space solution projects as well as construction management services.
The results of customer and decision-maker surveys are reviewed at the client organisation and target level, and development measures are derived from them in all Group units. Development measures can relate to the pleasantness of facilities, indoor conditions or the progress of service requests, for example.