Senate Properties’ Energy Saving Programme saves 60,000 MWh and €7 million

The Energy Saving Programme of Senate Group, which is responsible for the state’s real estate, has already delivered energy savings of 60,000 MWh or 60 million kWh. This amount of energy is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of around 7,500 one-bedroom flats and almost €7 million in money terms. Smart energy use and measures will be continued during the upcoming winter, too.
A year ago in October, Senate launched an extensive Energy Saving Programme in government premises. The aim in the middle of an energy crisis was to help Finland get through the challenging winter on the energy markets and to curb the sharp rise in energy costs. Based on Senate’s energy expert’s estimates, the programme aimed to save at least 50,000 MWh and it was thought that actual energy savings could be as high as 75,000 MWh.
By the end of August, the properties owned by Senate Group had saved energy totalling around 60,000 MWh, of which Senate Properties’ properties accounted for 38,000 MWh and Defence Properties Finland’s facilities for 22,000 MWh. The programme will continue until the end of the year, after which measures will be integrated into normal processes and development.
Senate’s Energy Saving Programme rolled out energy saving actions in around 1,000 buildings across Finland. Most of the measures related to adjustments made by property management experts to technical solutions. For example, indoor office temperatures were lowered to 20.5C. The upcoming winter will draw on experiences from last winter and energy consumption for heating, for example, will not basically be increased compared to the level last winter. The conditions in premises will be monitored and adjusted accordingly.
“As far as energy matters are concerned, Finland is in a much better position than a year ago. The threat of an electricity shortage has receded and electricity prices have fallen from peak levels. Nevertheless, energy prices are still much higher than a year earlier. Saving energy is still a smart thing to do both from the environmental and taxpayer perspectives,” says Sanna Jääskeläinen, Energy Saving Programme Coordinator, Marketing and Communications Director.
Users of central government facilities contributed to energy saving
Part of the Energy Saving Programme involved advising and reminding users of government facilities about saving energy. Agency employees working in government facilities have taken a positive approach to energy saving and have themselves been active. A survey carried out by Senate generated 10,000 individual ideas. Facilities users also have a chance to make observations and report matters using QR codes, from where they are directed straight to property maintenance.
New energy survey model rolled out
Part of the Energy Saving Programme involved piloting an energy survey model developed by Senate to identify longer term energy saving potential and, for example, potential possibilities for energy recovery in properties. The model was piloted in 12 government buildings across Finland. The buildings piloted were government office buildings, police buildings and research institutions.
The plan is to expand the survey model and over the survey as many as 300 government buildings in the next few years. Energy sector expert services will be used in implementing the surveys and competitive tendering is currently ongoing.
Senate’s Energy Saving Programme can be downloaded from our website:
Senate Properties is the property expert and work environment partner of the Finnish government. We work with our clients to create work environments to support their work and we are responsible for their maintenance. We want to provide the best possible conditions and facilities to do the work that helps to make Finland one of the best functioning and safest places in the world. We develop the State’s property assets and look after properties of cultural and historical importance. Responsibility is at the heart of everything we do.