Tuomas Pusa appointed Senate Group President and Group CEO as of 1 July 2024

Tuomas Pusa has been appointed Senate Group’s new President and Group CEO as of 1 July 2024. Senate Group is responsible for state-owned properties and Jari Sarjo, its current President and Group CEO who has been at the helm of Senate since 2012, is retiring.
The Board of Directors of Senate Properties has appointed Tuomas Pusa MSc (Tech), MBA (44) as Group President and CEO. Pusa currently serves as Chief Operating Officer at Senate Properties. He has previously worked for Senate Properties as division director and account manager. Before joining Senate Properties, he worked in key positions in the real estate sector at Corbel Oy, YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy and YIT Building Systems Oy.
“We are delighted at the interest shown in the position of Senate Group President and Group CEO. We had more than thirty applicants, of whom after a long process, four were selected for personal evaluations and further discussions. We chose Tuomas Pusa, who we think is an excellent person to lead Senate in a changing operating environment. We were convinced of Tuomas’s strategic vision and ability to solve security and economic challenges as we continue to develop Senate as a leader in sustainable construction. Tuomas’s way of listening to and involving others in decision-making supports Senate’s open culture that values experts,” says Hannele Pokka, Chair of Senate Properties’ Board of Directors.
Senate Group President and Group CEO Jari Sarjo has been at the helm of Senate since 2012. Senate Group’s current structure, defined by legislation, has been in force since the beginning of 2021, when Defence Properties Finland, which is responsible for Finnish Defence Administration properties, started operations as part of the Group.
”Jari Sarjo has been at the helm of Senate Properties for twelve years. We thank him for his excellent work. Under Jari’s leadership, Senate has achieved truly significant results and reforms: the cost-price principle, putting customer experience at the centre, Senate becoming a leader in indoor conditions and introducing new ways of working to central government have delivered benefits both to our clients and the industry as a whole. Despite significant investments, facility costs have hardly increased at all. Even by international comparison, Senate Properties is a role model among European peer organisations,” Hannele Pokka says.
Tuomas Pusa will take up the position of Senate Group President and Group CEO on 1 July 2024.
”I’m really excited about this new position. We’ve a highly skilled team and extremely interesting clients, as well as a meaningful mission working for Finland. Together with our clients, these employees have developed government premi6ses to support the operating conditions of government agencies and institutions in large steps. The position entails great responsibility. We must redeem our existence from our stakeholders every day, which calls for continuous learning and development. Our job is to bring benefits to central government and thus to Finland as a whole,” says Tuomas Pusa.
Senate Group
Senate Group, which operates under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance, comprises the parent unincorporated state enterprise Senate Properties and the subsidiary unincorporated state enterprise Defence Properties Finland. The Ministry of Defence directs Defence Properties Finland in the provision of services to the Finnish Defence Forces and partners specified by the Finnish Defence Forces. Senate Group’s operations are guided by the Government Premises Strategy and the Government Real Estate Strategy. Parliament, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defence set service targets for the Group.
Senate Group develops and maintains state-owned built real estate assets. Senate does not make a profit from letting state-owned premises, but provides well-functioning, secure facilities using the cost-price principle to support central government activities and the work of the personnel in all circumstances.