Environmental Services
We act as the central government competence centre in properties and environmental issues involving their use and in environmental construction.
We provide expert environmental technology and construction management services to the Defence Administration
Our services include environmental surveys, the study and remediation of contaminated environments, environmental engineering, circular economy solutions, environmental impact monitoring and regulatory procedures under environmental law.
Environmental and nature surveys
We carry out environmental and nature surveys, surface and groundwater surveys and health and environmental risk assessments relating to harmful substances.
Contaminated land
We direct and coordinate survey and remediation projects on land and groundwater contamination. We carry out dozens of surveys and several soil and groundwater remediations each year. The need for remediation is usually triggered by withdrawal from the area, a change in use, environmental damage or regulatory requirement.
Environmental engineering
We carry out and direct the planning and construction of environmental engineering protective structures. These include the protection of soil and groundwater, noise attenuation solutions and water treatment structures.
Circular economy solutions
We act as an expert in issues related to the utilisation of building demolition materials and the treatment of masses containing harmful substances. We also address regulatory procedures relating to utilisation.
Environmental impact monitoring
We provide expert support or a comprehensive service for directing, developing and reporting environmental monitoring programmes. We direct the Finnish Defence Force’s environmental monitoring programmes and reporting centrally and we manage the environmental data geographic information system.
Regulatory procedures
We manage the environmental regulatory procedures required for our operations and projects as well as the acquisition of the information and reports required for the procedures. At the same time, we ensure that the overall interests of the state are taken into account.
Support services for experts
We offer diverse expert assistance in questions related to environmental protection, the circular economy and climate change. We also provide support for research and development needs or environmental studies concerning your property.
Other services

We are responsible for the maintenance of the properties used by the Finnish Defence Forces. Maintenance responsibility covers some 2.6 million square metres of floor space

Construction Management and Protective Technology
Our unit is responsible for the management, coordination and supervision of construction projects carried out for the Finnish Defence Forces as well as for expert services.