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Contact us

Here you can find our contact details and offices.
In our e-service you can log into our digital services, for which you have user IDs.


Senate Properties

Lintulahdenkatu 5 A, P.O.Box 237
00530 Helsinki, Finland
Our national switchboard number is +358 294 830 000
Business ID 1503388-4

Enquiries and requests for material:

Our offices

Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname

Data protection officer Petri Konttinen.

Our Marketing and Communications is pleased to help you. Get in touch with us, we're happy to help. You can find our contact details by choosing "Communications" below.

On the page Network of shared work environments, you can find the office locations of government shared work environments in different cities.

Shared work environments


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Defense Properties Finland's contact details

Are you looking for contact details of Defense Properties Finland? You can find them on their site.

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