Security services
We help government organisations to optimise their work environments to the correct level of security. Tarvittaessa toteutamme turvallisuusratkaisut ja ylläpidämme valitun turvallisuustason sekä kehitämme turvallisuusosaamista esimerkiksi kouluttamalla.
Security services as part of the turnkey solution
Government agencies now prefer to procure security systems and services as part of the turnkey solution for their offices. We have expanded our range of services so that we can now provide security services as part of our package.
We assess and analyse the security of the work environment, improve and optimise the level of security and improve the staff’s competence in security-related matters by training them. We procure security services in terms of equipment and systems, implementation and maintenance as well as operative and system administration services.
Our security service centre is on duty 24/7/365
Senate Properties’ security services centre is the central facility security provider for central government. It is responsible for the security of work environments and the monitoring and management of facility security round the clock.
The security service centre monitors state facilities 24/7/365. Our service offering includes administration and remote use services for security technology, licence services and alarm centre services. Cost-effectiveness, improving the client’s security and high-quality customer service and reporting are the cornerstones of our operations.
For more information, please contact your regional security service manager. Please inquire about their contact details from our switchboard at +358 294 830 000.
turvallisuuspalvelukeskus@senaatti.fi / +358 294 833 020
Our other services

Facility services

Digital facility services

Executive work environment services